Why choose the Leadership Accelerator?
Based on the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership – Love, Respect, Service, and Fun – The Leadership Accelerator brings greater capabilities to leaders through individual coaching and internal peer group roundtables.
Acceleration happens through establishing and ingraining a common leadership process across teams and leadership levels that removes bottlenecks and misalignment.

The Leadership Accelerator in Action
I was brought into a prominent retailer by the COO that had seen firsthand how I practiced the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership with teams and wanted to Serve the top Supply Chain and Logistics Officer that reported to him.
This leader had built great capabilities in the function that helped the company thrive through significant stress. However, the COO saw the need for this executive to develop leadership skills that better fit with the company's culture and would Serve him in the future.
Helping this Supply Chain and Logistics Officer Respect how he led, what the function was capable of accomplishing and how to catalyze the team the next stage of growth brought forth:
The Leadership Accelerator has two main concepts
to support leaders:
Getting leaders to Respect, or see again.
We help them see success differently and build techniques and processes that focus their energies and efforts to enable success at the right places, leading to top-line success.
Helping leaders bring more Love and Service to their interactions with employees and work.
These efforts bring more Fun into the culture and help all employees Respect their worlds to bring innovative ideas and solutions to the challenging problems you face.
Connecting work on the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership aligns leadership practices across the team.
Just like with a sports team, when all are working off the same playbook, using the same terminology and philosophy, bottlenecks and ineffiencies are removed, accelerating capabilities and performance.
The Leadership Accelerator is delivered through:
Erik uses the real-world issues leaders are facing in their organizations to examine the processes and practices they use in leading and works with them to build new fundamental techniques that empower and engage leaders at lower levels and front-line employees. Over time, higher-level fundamentals are practiced and expanded to bring even greater acceleration and performance.
How can you and your team experience the Leadership Accelerator?
Executive coaching and Leader Roundtables can each be done separately and will provide solid results. Acceleration of leadership practice occurs when they are engaged together.
Executive Coaching
Set the culture from the very top
Enable your team to enact
Accelerator Package
Create alignment and performance
Even the best leaders need someone to help them see things differently and lead more impactfully.
Effective organizations start with leadership. Are you the leader your team needs? Erik has worked with executives at top organizations, helping them discover the power of Love, Service, Respect and Fun. Unlocking higher performance and deeper engagement in your teams, and even in your own life, becomes possible using these four core concepts.
Area of Concentration

Executive Coaching focuses on these keys
Solving the problems executives face, while working on their root causes
We do this through:
The executive then drives the Forces through the leadership team and organization. Using the Forces of Love, Respect, Service, and Fun leaders are able to enhance their self management, and teamwork.
We connect the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership to what you are facing now and in the future
Erik Beckler uses the real-world issues leaders are facing in their organizations to examine the processes and practices they use in leading. We work with them to build new fundamental techniques that empower and engage leaders and front-line employees. Over time, higher-level fundamentals are practiced and expanded to bring even greater acceleration and performance.
Building the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership across the team to accelerate positive culture and performance
Leadership Accelerator Roundtables consist of leaders’ direct reports (and other key leaders) who work collaboratively on their individual and common problems through the lens of the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership. Often, these roundtables are connected with individual coaching of the team leader to coordinate and leverage efforts.
Areas of Concentration

We support leaders in Respecting how to:
Roundtable process allows time to practice Fundamentals with collaboration and coaching
Meeting as a group 10 times a year and individually monthly, we help build substantial leadership practice and impact.
Erik uses the real-world issues leaders are facing in their organizations to examine the processes and practices they use in leading and works with them to build new fundamental techniques that empower and engage leaders at lower levels and front-line employees. Over time, higher-level fundamentals are practiced and expanded to bring even greater acceleration and performance.
Leadership Accelerator
Bring your leadership and your teams into alignment.
Leaders and organizations are stuck in old, tired ways of leading and communicating when it comes to their organizations. The Leadership Accelerator helps leaders see how they can lead differently, serving in various ways, and demonstrate love for employees through the process of creating a fun culture that enables acceleration of decisions and actions. That greater velocity brings greater levels of performance.
The Leadership Accelerator focuses on two main components to support leaders:
This work brings forth common fundamentals, rooted within their own unique culture, to bring greater alignment across the entire team. Coupling top leader coaching with roundtable work with that person's leadership team, leadership practices across the function or organization accelerates.

The Leadership Accelerator comprises two components:
The power of Fundamental practice across the team Accelerates Leadership capability
Erik uses the real-world issues leaders face in their own organizations to examine the processes and practices they use when leading. He then works with them to build new foundational techniques that empower and engage lower level as well as front-line employees. Over time, higher-level fundamentals are practiced and expanded in order to bring even greater acceleration and performance.