Transform Your Organization Through Love, Service, Respect, and Fun

Accelerate Your Leadership Ability and Lead Your Team to High Performance.

"You helped me learn how to Love my team."

C-level executive at a Fortune 100 company

Harness the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership

Leadership has Four Fundamental Forces: Love, Respect, Service, and Fun. All leaders and organizations can use these forces together in ways that create an environment where individuals teams in organizations can thrive and reach their potential. I give you the tools and trainings to put them into action through speaking, workshops, coaching and books.  

Love is the act of caring for yourself and others. When you put Love into action, along with the other Fundamental Forces, you grow in ways you never imagined, and are able to light the fires of the people you encounter in all aspects of life, as well as do the same with the organization you lead

The Latin construction of the word "Respect" translates in "see again." It's taking the time to step back to try and see the entire picture, and looking again from another angle to understand all the implications of a situation and why things are happening.

Service is the concept of maximizing the potential of yourself, the people around you and the organizations you are working for. How do you keep identifying new and higher ways to be help yourself, your team, your organization and your customers, including holding people accountable? 

It's been studied and proven that groups that have more Fun and experience more Joy in what they do perform better. Bringing Fun allows you to go and express more acts of Love, allows you to Respect more impactfully, and allows you to Serve with more nuance and impact.


I've seen the transformational power of The Four Fundamental Forces in myself, communities and organizations 

Decades of experience leading teams, both on the basketball court and in the board room, have helped me to see the power of the Four Fundamental Forces in action. By using techniques I've honed for decades, I help others build their capacities to lead more impactfully.

I want your organization to experience it, too

Let's have a conversation about how I can share the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership with your organization, through transformational workshops and keynotes and effective coaching that will change you and the teams you lead. 

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Erik Beckler has worked with multimillion and billion dollar organizations, helping them create more effective teams through Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership.

The core leaders I've worked with run functions and organizations. They are responsible for the ultimate success of the people in their charge and the function as a whole. I help leaders connect with the Four Fundamentals of Leadership and cascade that through the teams they lead.

Understanding How the Four Fundamental Forces Work Together

Are you looking for more information about the ways that Love, Respect, Service, and Fun can impact your workplace and family? Here's my latest videos that delve deeper into their power. 

May 29, 2024

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May 13, 2024

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March 4, 2024

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January 30, 2024

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