Why do you need a coach?
Coaches help people who are at the top of their field and those who want to be there, whether they be professional athletes or key executives, see things in new ways, or to Re-spect. In fact, those at the highest levels of their craft know they need to have such a voice to keep challenging them to new heights.
Leaders that sincerely want to Serve better need the extra insight of a coach. The right coach helps leaders grow and develop even when they are at the top of their field.

“The strides (person coached) has made in the last year with you have been amazing. I never thought I’d see this leadership from him.”
C-level executive at a Fortune 50 company of top supply chain leader coached
Area of Concentration
Executive Coaching focuses on these keys:
Solving the problems executives face, while working on their root causes
We do this through:
Helping leaders bring more Love and Service to their interactions with employees and work.
The executive then drives the Forces through the leadership team and organization. Using the Forces of Love, Respect, Service, and Fun leaders are able to enhance their self management, and teamwork.
Erik Beckler uses the real-world issues leaders are facing in their organizations to examine the processes and practices they use in leading and works with them to build new fundamental techniques that empower and engage leaders and employees at lower levels. Over time, higher-level fundamentals are practiced and expanded to bring even greater acceleration and performance.