December 7

Addressing Mark Crowley’s Call to Return to In-person Work


Mark C. Crowley, has recently published a great piece on Fast Company, on the detrimental impacts of remote working and states that we should return to the office. I love the work Mark does connecting humanity and work. It lines up well with the Four Fundamental Forces of Leadership.

However, I disagree with Mark’s call for a return to in-person work.

There are benefits to in-person work, but I think the genie is out of the bottle. In this quick video, I discuss how we need to Respect how we engage in virtual conversations and how we need to become more social in other areas to compensate from what has been lost with remote work.

We, as leaders, can and need to adapt to facilitating connection amongst employees, no matter where they work.


human connection, in-person work, remote work

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