May 10

Understanding You Are the Best You Can Be at Any Moment to Unleash Your Potential


"Respect leads to value. Value leads to trust. And trust is the antidote to fear, an antidote that allows you to unleash your unlimited potential. - Joe Shrand, M.D., Harvard University."

I've been going back through my old Afila Group blog posts and came across this below. I've modified the content a bit, but the essence is the same. I lost the connection with this post and how huge a component it was in the transformation of how I see the world and leadership.

I read a blog post from Dr. Shrand about how to manage your fear by believing that you, and those around you, are the best they can be at that moment. It was a thought-provoking read that helped me see myself and my world in a much different light as I was working through my mental health recovery.  

One of the main items that hit me was defining Respect by breaking the word up. Re- meaning Again and -Spect meaning Look (I use See). This was the beginning of me using the word Respect in the manner I currently do as a Fundamental Force of Leadership. This moment was transformational for me during my mental health journey as well as for how I've led in every aspect of my life.

How are you unlocking the unlimited potential of yourself and those around you? Taking another look from a different perspective or lens may help. As was also mentioned in post, seeing yourself and others as being the best they can be at that moment helps a great deal with managing our fear. It opens us to so many possibilities.


fear, leadership

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