December 5

Why You Should Strive for Failure


My sister, a leader at State Farm Insurance, and I were talking about pushing to failure recently. We talked about how it's when we make mistakes that we truly grow and transform. We discussed the setting up a culture where mistakes are encouraged and celebrated.

My sister sent me a link to a video she saw from Ryan Leak. Ryan is a motivational speaker and videographer who was an All-American Division III college basketball player. He wanted to see if he could play in the NBA. He took this challenge on with a desire to 'Chase Failure'. The video below describes his journey which led to a tryout with the Phoenix Suns.

This is a marvelous story about how, by striving to find out where Ryan would fail, he learned so much more than if he strived to succeed.

If you are leader that tries to help the people in your charge to be the most they can be, ask yourself if you're nurturing a culture where they are encouraged to find their failure points. What they learn and develop through that process will translate to so much success in other areas and allow them to maintain a learning mindset through everything they do.

Are you comfortable enough in yourself to chase failure in the way you lead and handle your activities? What example would you be setting if you did?


basketball, failure, goal setting, Innovation, success

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