November 24

Learning and Adapting Through Stress Events


As you’ll see at the beginning of the video below, I broke my wrist recently. With that, I’ve had to adapt many of my normal routines that used two hands and ask for help with others.

As time went on, I found my brain Respecting its environment in order to adapt and learn how to do certain things like put on socks, put ice into a bag and even drive a car. When assets are taken away or stress is added to processes, individuals and teams need to similarly adjust.

Leaders can help prepare teams and organizations for future stressors by simulating them before they become real. Firefighters do this all the time so they are prepared for any contingincy.

As you watch ths viseo, please think about ways how you can adapt and learn through stress before it really becomes stressful.

Of note, this post was typed with two fingers on one had. 


Adapt, Learn, stress

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